Momma Wanderlust - Curating Cultural Travels for Families

Top 15 Family Travel Hacks

by Tykesha77
photo of woman and two children with older woman in Utah in front of mountain
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15 Family Travel Hacks featured by top us family travel blogger, Momma Wanderlust

Looking for some family travel hacks? Family vacations require a lot of planning, budgeting, and patience. For many of us, they are the best week of the year and a fantastic opportunity to connect with our loved ones. But let’s be real: they are also stressful.

When traveling with kids, an avoidable mistake can lead to sour moods for the whole day or even the entire trip. Today, I’m sharing some of my top family travel hacks, so your family vacations will be filled with marvelous adventures that turn into cherished memories. These travel hacks for families are bound to make a huge difference!

Top 15 Family Travel Hacks

Here are the top 15 family travel hacks you need to know about:

Family Travel Hacks: Packing Tips

1) Packing cubes are a necessity.

Don’t think you can fit everything you need into the trunk of your car? Think again. With the right packing cubes, anything is possible!

 2) Group similar items together.

 There’s nothing worse than embarking on long-haul travel with kids and having to pull over because you can’t find their tablet or favorite snack. Avoid this nightmare by grouping snacks and electronics in the same bags and keeping them close.

3) Make sure everyone travels in their comfiest outfit.

Long family car rides can get uncomfortable fast. In addition to having a pillow and blanket handy, ensure everyone in the group wears their comfiest outfit for the drive.

 4) Add an extra change of clothes to each kid’s backpack.

 Accidents happen, and they usually happen when you’re not prepared. You might be surprised by how an extra change of clothes can save your trip before it even begins!

 5) Check (and triple-check) your luggage.

Start with a family packing list. Once you’ve got everything laid out, please go through it all with your list in hand so you can check things off as you pack them. This helps to ensure that nothing important gets left behind.

Family Travel Hacks: Food and Drinks

6) Bring reusable water bottles.

You can fill-up at rest stops, gas stations, and convenience stores.

7) Pack filling snacks.

Bring healthy snacks like fruit, crackers, nuts, and cheese sticks to satisfy everyone during the long trip.

8) Don’t forget the gum.

During long car rides with kids, chewing gum can help distract them from how long you’ve been driving and save you from hearing the dreaded “Are we there yet?” for the umpteenth time. It’s also helpful for balancing the cabin pressure during flight take-off and avoiding that pesky ear-popping!

9) Bring anti-bacterial wipes.

When your kids are done chowing down on their favorite snacks, they’ll need something to wipe up the crumbs and stickiness.

10) Bring home-cooked meals if you can.

 If you’re traveling with kids by car, try to bring a cooler with quick and easy meals like sandwiches. You’ll save a ton of money by avoiding restaurants, which is especially helpful if the kids are feeling cranky and not up for a public outing.

Family Travel Hacks: Entertainment Tips

11) Download games and movies ahead of time.

 Kids aren’t exactly known for being the most patient human beings. Plan ahead of time by downloading their favorite games and movies for the journey.

12) Take turns entertaining the kids.

Let it be this if you take anything away from this blog post. Taking turns entertaining the kids is the key to maintaining your sanity on a long trip. One parent can entertain the kids with snacks and games while the other parent naps, relaxes or reads a book.

 13) Don’t underestimate the power of bringing grandma.

…And if all else fails, grandma to the rescue! Trust me; no one knows how to keep the kids in line like Grandma. If your mother, mother-in-law, family member, or trusted friend is up for the trip, bring him or her along for an even more exciting family adventure. I love bringing my mom along to enjoy our family adventures. 

 14) Research fun car games.

Sure, we all know the license game. But that can only keep the kids entertained for so long. Do a little research before the trip to develop fun new car games that will keep the kids entertained for hours.

15) Pack a multi-port electric charger.

In today’s world, everyone brings many electronic devices with them on family vacations. Plenty of items will need charging time, from phones and laptops to tablets and portable gaming devices. A multi-port electric charger can ensure everyone’s devices stay charged.

I hope these family travel hacks help to ease the planning process for your next family vacation! These tips for traveling with kids have helped my family more times than I can count, so I do not doubt they can do the same for you. Happy travels!

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15 Family Travel Hacks featured by top us family travel blogger, Momma Wanderlust

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